
Surya Namaskara B: Learn Sun Salutation B

Ashtanga Sun Salutation Basics With the Asthanga Yoga system, yoga poses or asanas are always practiced in the same order and every yoga practice begins with Sun Salutations. A practitioner will take Surya Namaskara A (Sun Salutation A) five times, followed by three to five Surya Namaskara B.  These two sequences make up the warm [...]

Surya Namaskara B: Learn Sun Salutation B2023-04-20T12:35:08+00:00

Introduction to Ashtanga Yoga’s Finishing Sequence

The Ashtanga Yoga finishing sequence is a beautiful flow of backbends, alot of inversion postures, headstand and a few seated lotus postures.  It can be really intimidating and sometimes physically impossible for new students to safely practice the full finishing sequence. As a long time Ashtanga yoga teacher, I slowly introduce the finishing postures to [...]

Introduction to Ashtanga Yoga’s Finishing Sequence2023-04-18T21:12:41+00:00

Introduction to Ashtanga Yoga: Breath, Bandhas, Drishti & Sun Salutation A

Welcome to Olotita's Yoga Asana Series for building or maintaining an at home Ashtanga Yoga practice.  Today we explore the foundational principals of the Ashtanga Yoga system. The foundational components of Ashtanga Yoga include breathing, bandhas and drishti. Asht-anga means eight-limbs.  In this tradition we begin with the third limb, or asana.  This is the physical [...]

Introduction to Ashtanga Yoga: Breath, Bandhas, Drishti & Sun Salutation A2023-04-18T20:28:05+00:00


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