
Discovering Tensegrity in your Yoga Practice

Have you ever wondered how you can achieve a state of balance and stability in your yoga practice? One concept that can help you unlock the secrets to mastering yoga poses and finding a sense of ease in your practice is tensegrity. Tensegrity is a fascinating concept that combines tension and integrity, and it has [...]

Discovering Tensegrity in your Yoga Practice2023-08-05T14:46:20+00:00

How to do Prasarita Padottanasana A-D: Wide Legged Forward Folds

The four Wide Legged Standing Forward Bend Postures, also known as Prasārita Pādottānāsana A-D, are the first wide leg stretches we see in the Ashtanga Yoga standing sequence.  They are wonderful postures to practice in order to gain greater proprioception, balance, flexibility.  These asanas are always awesome opportunities to really work with gravity to hold [...]

How to do Prasarita Padottanasana A-D: Wide Legged Forward Folds2023-04-24T16:08:25+00:00


Vestibulum nec velit ante. Praesent dignissim interdum est, in lacinia elit pretium nec. Aliquam erat volutpat. Fusce laoreet mi leo. Vestibulum nec velit ante. Praesent dignissim interdum est, in lacinia elit pretium nec. Aliquam erat volutpat. Fusce laoreet mi leo.

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