Janu Sirsasana B is also known as Head-to-Knee Pose B. This forward-bending pose is found in the Ashtanga Yoga Primary Series seated sequence.  Janu Sirsasana B offers numerous physical and mental benefits, including increased flexibility, improved digestion, and a sense of calmness.  It is a posture that requires mobility in the hip and ankle and can be challenging for some students to take the first time they explore this pose. In this blog post, we will provide a comprehensive step-by-step guide to help you master Janu Sirsasana B and integrate it into your Ashtanga Yoga routine.

Janu Sirsasana B

Benefits of Janu Sirsasana B

Improved Flexibility

Digestive Health

Improved Blood Circulation


Stress Relief

Strengthened Back

Stretch for the Groin

Mind-Body Connection

Janu Sirsasana B

Click here to watch the YouTube tutorial for Janu Sirsasana B

Janu Sirsasana B

Certainly, this is a unique posture in the Primary Series whereby you sit on one of your feet as you fold over the opposite leg.  Although this asana was created by men to aid in prostate health, it also provides wonderful benefit to female practitioners. Albeit Janu Sirsasana B might take time for some students to get into.  Therefore, go slowly and work with modifications such as those offered in our YouTube tutorial video on this posture to help you open and strengthen the body.  Doing so will enable you to take the full expression of this posture, in due time.

This pose also applies pressure on your anus, allowing more blood flow into that region.  As a matter of fact, doing so strengthens the prostate (for men) and strengthen the pelvic floor for ladies.  And just like Janu Sirsasana A, Janu B helps you incorporate concepts of tensegrity in more subtle ways.  The result is more grounding through your body as you begin to hinge forward in the posture.  Please be sure to review the variations offered below before attempting the full expression of this posture, unless you are already a seasoned practitioner.

Janu Sirsasana B

Step-by-Step Guide to Janu Sirsasana B

We will be entering this posture from downward facing dog, having just taken a vinyasa after Janu Sirsasana A to seated position. 

(Vinyasa #7)

From down dog, look forward and walk or jump your feet through and have a seat on the floor. Extend your legs out in front of you.  Inhale and drop your right knee down and out to the right.  Take your right foot to your inner left thigh.  Press your hips up and sit on your right foot (your heel should be resting on your anus). Extend your spine. Stretch both arms forward and take your left foot with both hands.  Head up.  Left foot is flexed.

(Vinyasa #8)

Exhale and fold forward out over your straight left leg.  Maintain flexion in your left foot.  Engage the left quadricep. If possible, bring you chin to your chin.  Look to your toes (Padhayoragrai drishti). Take five deep breaths.

(Vinyasa #9)

Inhale and lengthen your spine.  Keep your hands bound around your feet.  Exhale there.

(Vinyasa #10)

Inhale, bring your hands to the floor, cross your legs and lift your body up off the ground.

(Vinyasa #11)

Exhale and jump back into low plank position.

(Vinyasa #12)

Inhale into Upward facing dog

(Vinyasa #13)

Exhale into Downward facing dog

(Vinyasa #14)

From down dog, look forward and walk or jump your feet through and have a seat on the floor. Extend your legs out in front of you.  Inhale and drop your left knee down and out to the left.  Take your left foot to your inner right thigh.  Press your hips up and sit on your left foot (your heel should be resting on your anus). Extend your spine. Stretch both arms forward and take your left foot with both hands.  Head up.  Right foot is flexed.

(Vinyasa #15)

Exhale and fold forward out over your straight right leg.  Maintain flexion in your right foot.  Engage the right quadricep. If possible, bring you chin to your chin.  Look to your toes (Padhayoragrai drishti). Take five deep breaths.

(Vinyasa #16)

Inhale, lift your head and lengthen your spine.  Keep your hands bound around your feet.  Exhale there.

(Vinyasa #17)

Inhale, bring your hands to the floor, cross your legs and lift your body up off the ground.

(Vinyasa #18)

Exhale and jump back into low plank position.

(Vinyasa #19)

Inhale into Upward facing dog

(Vinyasa #20)

Exhale into Downward facing dog

Tap above or click here to watch the YouTube tutorial for Janu Sirsasana B


Don’t feel you need to rush to the full expression by forcing yourself to fold when your body is yearning for more opening.  And do savior the five breaths you take in Janu Sirsasana B.  This posture is food for your body, and food for your soul.  Try to be contemplative when you take this pose and connect with your breathing and bandhas.  Know that the more you take the posture, the more comfortable you’ll become with it.  If you would like to learn more about the breath and bandhas used in the Ashtanga Yoga practice, refer to our video on Sun Salutations, breathing and bandhas, here.

Janu Sirsasana B

Modifications for Janu Sirsasana B

Remember that the goal of yoga is not to force your body into a shape, but to cultivate awareness, strength, and flexibility over time. Experiment with these modifications to find the variation that suits your current abilities and needs. As your practice evolves, you might find that you gradually need fewer modifications, but always prioritize safety and comfort. If you’re unsure about which modifications are appropriate for you, consider working with a qualified yoga instructor who can provide personalized guidance.

Bend the Extended Leg:

If straightening the extended leg is challenging, you can bend the knee slightly. This will reduce the intensity of the stretch and make the pose more accessible.

Modified foot position:

If you are unable to sit directly on your foot (or it causes pain), simply sit on your hamstring.

Widen the Legs:

If bringing the sole of the foot against the inner thigh is difficult, you can move the bent leg’s foot closer to the groin, creating a wider angle between the legs. This reduces the stretch and allows for a more gradual progression into the pose.

Focus on the Upper Body:

If the forward folding aspect is challenging due to lower back issues, you can focus on lengthening your spine and leaning forward from the hips while keeping your back straight. This modification minimizes strain on the lower back.

Breathing Focus:

Sometimes, even a gentle stretch can provide benefits. Focus on your breath and the sensation of the stretch, rather than aiming for a specific depth in the forward fold.

Remember, the key is to listen to your body and make adjustments that feel appropriate for your level of flexibility and any existing limitations. It’s always recommended to practice under the guidance of a qualified yoga instructor, especially when exploring modifications or if you have specific concerns or conditions.

Click here to watch the YouTube tutorial for Janu Sirsasana B

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About Krista

I am a level II authorized Ashtanga Yoga teacher and I am passionate about sharing these teachings with all who wish to learn.

If you want to join me in person I teach daily classes at The Yoga Shala in Winter Park, Florida. I also offer virtual sessions in Yoga, Meditation, Breath-work, Nutrition, Life Coaching and Mentorship.  Check out www.theyogashala.org for more details.

If you do not live in Central Florida and want to find an authorized teacher in your area, check out my teacher, Sharath Jois’ website, for a list of all teachers authorized and certified by his yoga centre in India.

private yoga instruction with the yoga shala in winter park florida

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