Marīcyāsana C, also spelled, Marichyasana (mar-ee-chee-AHS-anna), translates to the Pose Dedicated to the Sage Maricihi.  It is the third of four Marīcyāsana poses from the Ashtanga Yoga Primary Series.

Marichi means, “Ray of Light,” which is one of the aspects of the sun.  This is also the name of a sage, Sage Marichi, who was one of the Seven Rishis of the Vedas.

Marichyasana C - Full expression

Tap here to watch a step-by-step tutorial video on 2 modifications and the full expression of Marichyasana C

This is the sixteenth pose of the Ashtanga Yoga Primary series, and the eleventh seated posture in that series. All four Marichyasana poses (A, B, C, D) build upon each other to prepare you for the ones to come.  Marichyasana C is similar to A, but the primary difference between the two being that in A, you are binding your right arm around your right leg and folding forward.  Whereas in Marichyasana C, you are now binding your left arm around your bent right leg and rotating or twisting.

Marichyasana A, B, C, D

I’ve also written a step-by-step guide for all four of the Marichyasana poses of the Ashtanga Primary Series (Marichyasana A, Marichyasana B, and Marichyasana D).  Check those out for a deep dive into the intricacies of each posture.

Marichyasana C can be easy for some students, even beginners, while it can prove to be very difficult for other students. If you have long limbs, you’ll find this posture much easier to access than if perhaps your limbs are shorter.  Even if you can bind rather easily, many students find it challenging to sit up straight and breathe freely in this twist.  If the full expression of Marichyasana C is a challenge, be sure to check out the modifications for this pose below.

Benefits of Marichyasana C:

Marichyasana C massages the organs and lower abdomen, which may help with digestion and constipation.  It also helps rotate the spine, creating length and flexibility through the torso.  In turn, this helps maintain general health of the nervous system and suppleness of the spine. Additionally, the pose improves overall posture and breathing.  It opens the shoulders and stretches the intercostal muscles, located between the ribs, which helps to prepare us for backbends.


The full expression of this posture is NOT recommended if you are pregnant.  Instead, try twisting away from the bent knee.  Hug your right knee with your right hand and begin rotating to the left (you will be facing away from your bent leg).  However, if this variation is uncomfortable during pregnancy, omit it altogether for now.

This is a wonderful posture but can be a bit of a challenge if you have tightness in your back, hips or shoulders.  There is a lot to think about in the posture, oppositions of force, stretching, engaging, reaching and folding.  Let’s take a step by step look at how to do Marichyasana C.

marichyasana C

Tap here to watch a step-by-step tutorial video on 2 modifications and the full expression of Marichyasana C

Step-by-Step Instructions for the Full Expression of Marichyasana C: Right Side

  1. From Dandasana, or Staff Pose, bend your right leg up, getting your right foot as close to your right glute as possible.  Be sure to leave about a hand width of space between your right foot and your inner left thigh.
  2. Ground down through both sits bones and work to lift up and lengthen your spine.
  3. Feel free to place your right hand or fingers to the floor behind you for balance and support while you work to bind in the pose.
  4. Inhale as you lift your left arm.  Exhale as you rotate your upper back to the right.
  5. Bring your left arm over and across your right leg.  Press your upper left arm into your outer right knee.
  6. Bend your left elbow and wrap your left arm all the way around your bent right knee.
  7. From there, shift your weight out of your right hand and into your hips, while bringing your right arm behind you to meet your left hand/fingers.
  8. Bind your fingers or wrist.
  9. Take 5 deep breaths in this posture.
  10. Look over your right shoulder, Parsva Drishti (Side Gaze)
  11. Remember to engage Mula Bandha (root/pelvic lock) with each inhale, and Uddiyana Bandha (naval lock) with each exhale.
  12. With each inhale, lengthen your spine as your ground your sits bones into the floor.
  13. With each exhale, try to rotate a little further to the right while actively engaging your straight left leg (flex your foot and press the whole leg forward in space).
  14. After your fifth breath, inhale and look forward.  Exhale and release your arms, straighten both legs and release the posture.
  15. Take your Vinyasa
  16. Repeat on your left side.

While the step by step instructions are for getting into the full expression of Marichyasana C, there are several wonderful variations or modifications you can take to start where you are and safely work towards the full expression of the posture.

Tap here to watch a step-by-step tutorial video on 2 modifications and the full expression of Marichyasana C

Marichyasana C Modifications:

Variation 1: 

Starting from Dandasana (Staff Posture), bend your right leg up, bring your right foot as close to your glute as you can.  Make sure you leave a hands width distance between your right foot and your inner left thigh. Lift up out of your sits bones (your right glute may lift off the floor, that’s ok). Wrap your left arm around your bent right knee and pull the knee towards your chest.  Bring your right hand (or finger tips) to the floor behind you to assist you with balance and spinal rotation. 

Press down through your right hand, ground into your right hip and foot. Engage your left quadricep and flex your left foot. Take five deep breaths here.  With each inhale, lift your torso up as you press your right hand down into the floor.  With each exhale, pulling your knee into your chest, lifting your chest up, rotate and look over your right shoulder.  After your fifth breath, inhale to look forward. Exhale to release your arm and right leg.  Take your vinyasa.  Repeat on the left side.

Modification for yoga pose marichyasana c, pose dedicated to sage marici from the ashtanga yoga primary series

Variation 2:

Starting from Dandasana (Staff Posture), bend your right leg up, bring your right foot as close to your glute as you can.  Make sure you leave a hands width distance between your right foot and your inner left thigh. Lift up out of your sits bones (your right glute may lift off the floor, that’s ok). Wrap your left arm OVER your bent right knee and press the knee towards your chest.  Bring your right hand (or finger tips) to the floor behind you to assist you with balance and spinal rotation.  Press down through your right hand, ground into your right hip and foot.

Engage your left quadricep and flex your left foot. Take five deep breaths here.  With each inhale, lift your torso up as you press your right hand down into the floor.  With each exhale, pulling your knee into your chest, lifting your chest up, rotate and look over your right shoulder.  After your fifth breath, inhale to look forward. Exhale to release your arm and right leg.  Take your vinyasa.  Repeat on the left side.

modification for marichyasana c, yoga pose dedicated to sage marici from the ashtanga yoga primary series

Common Mistakes

It is important that you practice this and every posture mindfully so you get the most out of the posture and ensure you do not hurt yourself.

  1. Don’t allow your shoulders to round forward.  It’s important to maintain integrity in your spine.
  2. Don’t allow your bent knee to fall or roll to one side and work to keep your torso extended upward in this spinal rotation.
  3. If you are not able to bind your arms around your bent leg, do not force yourself into the posture.  Start with one of the variations instead and slowly and safely work your way into the full expression of this yoga pose.
  4. It if more important to maintain length in your spine than to rotate more.  If you cannot yet bind, just bring your arm across the bent knee and hug your knee with your arm.
  5. Don’t let your straight leg soften.  Keep it active by flexing the foot (press through the heel) and pressing the entire leg forward.
  6. Don’t round your lower back in this posture.  Work to lift up and out of your sits bones and work to bring your weight forward over your straight leg.

No matter what variation of the pose you choose, move slowly through the posture, acknowledge your limits, and respect your bodies limitations.

Tap below to watch a step-by-step tutorial video on 2 modifications and the full expression of Marichyasana C

Preparatory Postures:

Parivr̥tta Trikoṇāsana –

Parivr̥tta Pārśva Koṇāsana –

Marichyasana  A –

utthita trikonasana and parivrtta trikonasana. triangle and revolved triangle posture. standing yoga poses.

Why I love this Pose:

Marichyasana C is the first seated rotation in the Primary Series and such a delicious stretch for your back and rotation for your spine.  I love how good it feels to be able to ground your body down into the floor, while at the same time be able to lift up out of your lower back and rotate.  This posture really helps the practitioner gain a deeper understanding of the use of oppositions in yoga practice to more safely and effectively practice these postures.

Tap here To watch a step-by-step tutorial video on 2 modifications and the full expression of Marichyasana C

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About Krista:

I am a level II authorized Ashtanga Yoga teacher and I am passionate about sharing these teachings with all who wish to learn.

If you want to join me in person or virtually I teach daily classes at The Yoga Shala in Winter Park, Florida and live stream them too. I also offer virtual sessions in Yoga, Meditation, Breath-work, Nutrition, Life Coaching and Mentorship.  Check out for more details.

If you do not live in Central Florida and want to find an authorized teacher in your area, check out my teacher Sharath Jois’ website for a list of all teachers authorized and certified by his yoga centre in India.…

krista shirley, owner of the yoga shala, nysa by olotita and olotita. Teaches ashtanga yoga in winter park, florida

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