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How to do Janu Sirsasana B: A Step by Step Guide

Janu Sirsasana B is also known as Head-to-Knee Pose B. This forward-bending pose is found in the Ashtanga Yoga Primary Series seated sequence.  Janu Sirsasana B offers numerous physical and mental benefits, including increased flexibility, improved digestion, and a sense of calmness.  It is a posture that requires mobility in the hip and ankle and [...]

How to do Janu Sirsasana B: A Step by Step Guide2023-08-11T13:36:12+00:00

Yoga Asana Series – Video 17: Guided Yoga Practice with Krista

Welcome back to our Yoga Series for building or maintaining an at home Yoga practice. Today is Video #17 in the Yoga Asana Series.   In this Yoga video, you simply practice along, guided by the audio and video of internationally renowned instructor, Krista Shirley.  Move and breathe your way through 5 Sun Salutations A, [...]

Yoga Asana Series – Video 17: Guided Yoga Practice with Krista2022-05-16T10:26:29+00:00


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