online yoga

Want At-Home Yoga? Try Virtual Yoga Classes

The Yoga Shala’s Virtual Yoga Classes Bring Yoga Instruction to You! You love yoga. Going to a yoga studio, though, isn’t in the cards. Maybe you have small children. Or little time. Perhaps you don’t want to drive. Or, maybe you just enjoy the peace and privacy of at-home yoga. No need to miss out [...]

Want At-Home Yoga? Try Virtual Yoga Classes2023-03-15T17:12:23+00:00

Guided Ashtanga Yoga Class on Olotita’s Youtube Channel

Krista Shirley just published another incredibly energizing Yoga Asana Class on our Olotita Youtube channel.  It's a great 45 minute guided practice for you to work on your body and mind from the comfort of your own home.  It's also a great supplement when you can't make it to class. Guided Ashtanga Yoga Class on [...]

Guided Ashtanga Yoga Class on Olotita’s Youtube Channel2022-11-28T19:20:14+00:00


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