
How to do Utthita Hasta Padangusthasana – Standing Thumb to Big Toe Pose

Ashtanga yoga is a dynamic and physically demanding practice that combines breath with movement. One of the challenging poses in the Ashtanga yoga sequence is Utthita Hasta Padangusthasana.  Known in English as Extended Hand-to-Big-Toe Pose. This pose requires strength, flexibility, and balance.  With consistent practice, it can be mastered. In this blog post, we will [...]

How to do Utthita Hasta Padangusthasana – Standing Thumb to Big Toe Pose2023-08-05T18:38:30+00:00

How to do Prasarita Padottanasana A-D: Wide Legged Forward Folds

The four Wide Legged Standing Forward Bend Postures, also known as Prasārita Pādottānāsana A-D, are the first wide leg stretches we see in the Ashtanga Yoga standing sequence.  They are wonderful postures to practice in order to gain greater proprioception, balance, flexibility.  These asanas are always awesome opportunities to really work with gravity to hold [...]

How to do Prasarita Padottanasana A-D: Wide Legged Forward Folds2023-04-24T16:08:25+00:00

What is Self-Care?

What is Self-Care? "Self care is anything that do you for yourself that feels nourishing.” - Marniamsellem PHD licensed psychologist She also says self care is something that can be relaxing or calming, intellectual, spiritual, or practical or something you need to get done she says... The International Self -Care Foundation also includes health literacy [...]

What is Self-Care?2022-03-13T02:05:02+00:00

What Does Nutrition Really Mean?

Today I want to talk about something that, well I don't think is talked about enough:  nutrition. Its a word we hear all the time, but we don’t really understand it that well, depending on who you listen to, nutrition is all about being skinny, or being ripped, or being this or that and nutrition [...]

What Does Nutrition Really Mean?2022-03-13T02:03:36+00:00

Utthita Parsva Konasana & Parivrtta Parsva Konasana: The Side Angle Poses

Utthita Parsva Konasana and Parivrtta Parsva Konasana are also known as the Side Angle postures.  These yoga poses are challenging and fun asanas to begin to explore.  Work with your body where you are right now.  If you need to, practice the modifications that will help you feel stable and grounded in your body.  As [...]

Utthita Parsva Konasana & Parivrtta Parsva Konasana: The Side Angle Poses2023-04-23T10:54:45+00:00

Padangusthasana & Pada Hastasana

Step-by-step instructions for Padangusthasana and Pada Hastasana Ashtanga Yoga is a beautiful systemized practice with a set sequence of postures to follow, consistently, over time.  Regardless of what sequence the practitioner is working on, be it primary, intermediate or advanced, we always start with Sun Salutations A and B and foundational standing poses. Once you’ve [...]

Padangusthasana & Pada Hastasana2023-04-20T14:37:07+00:00

Free On Demand Yoga Class

This week on Olotita's Youtube channel, I'm really excited to bring you another Free, on demand Yoga class.  This week, Olotita brings you a twenty-five (25) minute guided class/practice video covering 5 Sun Salutation A, 3 Sun Salutation B and modified finishing sequence postures. If you would like to enjoy today's FREE Yoga Series Video to [...]

Free On Demand Yoga Class2023-04-20T13:07:47+00:00

Surya Namaskara B: Learn Sun Salutation B

Ashtanga Sun Salutation Basics With the Asthanga Yoga system, yoga poses or asanas are always practiced in the same order and every yoga practice begins with Sun Salutations. A practitioner will take Surya Namaskara A (Sun Salutation A) five times, followed by three to five Surya Namaskara B.  These two sequences make up the warm [...]

Surya Namaskara B: Learn Sun Salutation B2023-04-20T12:35:08+00:00

FREE 15 Minute On Demand Yoga Class If you are looking for a way to create and maintain a daily yoga practice, Olotita's Yoga Asana Series is here to help you do that with our new free on demand yoga class.  Be sure to review the previous two videos, #1 and #2 from the Yoga Asana Series on youtube.  Those [...]

FREE 15 Minute On Demand Yoga Class2023-04-19T13:36:35+00:00

Introduction to Ashtanga Yoga’s Finishing Sequence

The Ashtanga Yoga finishing sequence is a beautiful flow of backbends, alot of inversion postures, headstand and a few seated lotus postures.  It can be really intimidating and sometimes physically impossible for new students to safely practice the full finishing sequence. As a long time Ashtanga yoga teacher, I slowly introduce the finishing postures to [...]

Introduction to Ashtanga Yoga’s Finishing Sequence2023-04-18T21:12:41+00:00


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