
How to do Prasarita Padottanasana A-D: Wide Legged Forward Folds

The four Wide Legged Standing Forward Bend Postures, also known as Prasārita Pādottānāsana A-D, are the first wide leg stretches we see in the Ashtanga Yoga standing sequence.  They are wonderful postures to practice in order to gain greater proprioception, balance, flexibility.  These asanas are always awesome opportunities to really work with gravity to hold [...]

How to do Prasarita Padottanasana A-D: Wide Legged Forward Folds2023-04-24T16:08:25+00:00

Yoga Asana Series Video #10: Guided Yoga Practice – Sun Salutations, Standing Postures, Bridges and Seated Hip Openers

Hey hey happy Tuesday! Our favorite day of the week here at Olotita!  This week on Olotita's Youtube channel, I'm really excited to bring you another guided yoga class/practice along video.  This 26 Minute Guided Yoga Practice includes 5 Sun Salutation A, 3 Sun Salutation B, Standing Postures we have learned in tutorial videos #1-9, Bridges [...]

Yoga Asana Series Video #10: Guided Yoga Practice – Sun Salutations, Standing Postures, Bridges and Seated Hip Openers2022-03-13T03:16:29+00:00


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