the yoga shala

Exploring the Serenity of Baddha Konasana: A Jewel of the Ashtanga Yoga Primary Series Seated Sequence

Yoga is a holistic practice that encompasses physical, mental, and spiritual well-being. Today we explore Baddha Konasana, also known as the Bound Angle Pose or Seated Butterfly Pose. Found in the later stages of the Ashtanga Yoga Primary Series, this posture offers a range of benefits for the body and mind. Let’s delve into the [...]

Exploring the Serenity of Baddha Konasana: A Jewel of the Ashtanga Yoga Primary Series Seated Sequence2023-08-16T15:04:09+00:00

Diving Deeper into Ashtanga Yoga’s Seated Postures: A Study of Garbha Pindasana and Kukkutasana

The Ashtanga Yoga Primary Series is a beautiful sequence of yoga postures that assist practitioners in creating and maintaining a healthy body, mind and spirit.  The seated sequence in Ashtanga’s first series is made up of a beautiful array of asanas that help one build up strength, stamina, flexibility, endurance and grace.  Garbha Pindasana and [...]

Diving Deeper into Ashtanga Yoga’s Seated Postures: A Study of Garbha Pindasana and Kukkutasana2023-08-15T14:58:01+00:00

Exploring Kurmasana and Supta Kurmasana from the Ashtanga Yoga Primary Series

Yoga, a holistic practice revered for its ability to harmonize the body, mind, and soul, encompasses a myriad of postures that lead practitioners on an inward journey of self-discovery. Within the framework of Ashtanga Yoga, a dynamic and structured style, lies a sequence of poses designed to progressively guide participants toward physical prowess and inner [...]

Exploring Kurmasana and Supta Kurmasana from the Ashtanga Yoga Primary Series2023-08-14T20:31:23+00:00

How to Do Navasana – Boat Posture

Krista Shirley in Navasana, boat pose Navasana, translates to Boat Posture.  It comes after the Marichyasana poses from the Ashtanga Yoga Primary Series. Boat Pose is an excellent posture for both new and experienced yoga practitioners. The asana helps students build a combination of strength, flexibility, balance and mental focus, when practiced regularly. This [...]

How to Do Navasana – Boat Posture2023-04-21T21:12:21+00:00

Marichyasana D: Pose of the sage Marīci

Marīcyāsana D, also spelled, Marichyasana D (mar-ee-chee-AHS-anna), translates to the Pose Dedicated to the Sage Maricihi.  It is the third of four Marichyasana poses from the Ashtanga Yoga Primary Series. Marichi means, “Ray of Light,” which is one of the aspects of the sun.  This is also the name of a sage, Sage Marichi, who was [...]

Marichyasana D: Pose of the sage Marīci2023-08-11T17:48:28+00:00

How to do Marichyasana C: Step by Step Guide

Marīcyāsana C, also spelled, Marichyasana (mar-ee-chee-AHS-anna), translates to the Pose Dedicated to the Sage Maricihi.  It is the third of four Marīcyāsana poses from the Ashtanga Yoga Primary Series. Marichi means, “Ray of Light,” which is one of the aspects of the sun.  This is also the name of a sage, Sage Marichi, who was [...]

How to do Marichyasana C: Step by Step Guide2023-08-11T17:40:35+00:00

How to do Marichyasana B: A Step by Step Guide

Marīcyāsana B, also spelled, Marichyasana B (mar-ee-chee-AHS-anna), translates to the Pose Dedicated to the Sage Maricihi.  It is the second of four Marīcyāsana poses from the Ashtanga Yoga Primary Series. Marichi means, “Ray of Light,” which is one of the aspects of the sun.  This is also the name of a sage, Sage Marichi, who [...]

How to do Marichyasana B: A Step by Step Guide2023-02-05T15:12:30+00:00

How to do Janu Sirsasana C: A Step by Step Guide

Yoga, with its centuries-old lineage, offers a treasure trove of poses that transcend the physical realm and touch the realms of mindfulness, flexibility, and inner balance. One such pose that encapsulates this holistic approach is Janu Sirsasana C, or Head-to-Knee Pose C. This seated asana not only stretches and strengthens the body but also nurtures [...]

How to do Janu Sirsasana C: A Step by Step Guide2023-08-11T13:34:48+00:00


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