woodley park yoga

Ashtanga Yoga Immersion at Woodley Park Yoga

Join Level 2 Authorized teacher, Krista Shirley, at Woodley Park Yoga, for an intensive immersion in Ashtanga Yoga. PROGRAM OVERVIEW The four (4) month practitioner Intensive program will cover the practical, theoretical, historical, and spiritual aspects of the science of yoga. This program will provide eager students with a thorough education, dedicated personal practice, heightened [...]

Ashtanga Yoga Immersion at Woodley Park Yoga2022-11-09T23:08:32+00:00

Yoga Workshops and Retreats

I have been teaching Yoga Workshops both nationally and internationally since 2011.  Of all the ways I am able to share yoga with the world, workshops are one of my absolute favorites because I gets to spend an immersive weekend with yoga students who are curious enough about deepening their yoga practice to carve out [...]

Yoga Workshops and Retreats2022-04-15T11:03:16+00:00


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