Health & Wellness

How to Create a Wellness Sanctuary in Your Backyard

There’s something special about practicing yoga outdoors. The sunlight and the breeze encourage a natural flow and an expansion of the body. The sound of birds gladdens the heart, and the smell of flowers, grass, or water can transport the soul. For example, what could be better than performing Sun Salutations at sunrise in your [...]

How to Create a Wellness Sanctuary in Your Backyard2023-07-24T20:01:35+00:00

Saladzilla: An eco-friendly Salad Spinner

I make a lot of salads every week, and the salad spinner I was using isn’t eco-friendly, it didn’t get all the water off my vegetables, and ultimately, broke.  That’s when I discovered Saladzilla! Why Saladzilla: I was immediately drawn to Saladzilla’s commitment to sustainability.  The company shifted away from using plastics to make this [...]

Saladzilla: An eco-friendly Salad Spinner2023-07-16T15:00:22+00:00

Yoga Tips: How to Improve Your Yoga Practice

If you’re like most people, when you think of yoga, you probably think of a group of people sitting in a circle on the floor, stretching and breathing. But yoga is so much more than that! In fact, there are many different ways to practice yoga, and each one can be tailored to fit your [...]

Yoga Tips: How to Improve Your Yoga Practice2023-06-22T13:54:01+00:00

Innovative Tips for Honoring Your Loved One While Caring for Yourself During Times of Grief

Losing a loved one is one of the most challenging experiences that we can face in life. The journey of grief comes with its unique complexities, but it is essential to remember that it is possible to honor our loved ones while caring for ourselves. We can navigate this process by taking time to process [...]

Innovative Tips for Honoring Your Loved One While Caring for Yourself During Times of Grief2023-04-21T19:51:36+00:00

8 Ways to Wellness

Looking after yourself is always important, but with the demands of work and life in general, it can be hard to make time for wellness. It’s understandable if you feel overwhelmed, but it’s not too late to start and stick to a wellness plan. Here are Olotita’s top tips for getting back on track with [...]

8 Ways to Wellness2023-03-15T16:33:01+00:00

Navigating Your Mid-Life Crisis and Accompanying Grief

If you’re undergoing a mid-life crisis, you have our compassion. It may sound cliche, but there’s nothing trite about the intensity and overwhelming nature of this earth-shattering event. Most people experience sweeping changes like divorces, relocations, lifestyle shifts, and deep internal changes in attitude. Sometimes the crisis happens because of external triggers – debt, unemployment, [...]

Navigating Your Mid-Life Crisis and Accompanying Grief2023-02-06T17:05:21+00:00

Ashtanga Yoga Guided Class

If you are looking for good yoga videos online to learn and practice the Ashtanga Yoga system, check out Olotita's youtube channel where we publish guided classes and tutorials for postures of the Ashtanga Yoga primary and intermediate series.  Olotita recently published their newest 60 minute refreshing guided Ashtanga yoga class.  This guided class takes [...]

Ashtanga Yoga Guided Class2022-12-13T18:05:32+00:00

The Ashtanga Yoga Finishing Sequence Postures

Ashtanga yoga is a style of Hatha Yoga that is more traditional than other modern day forms of yoga.  It’s steeped in history, tradition, Sanskrit and consists of set sequences of postures.  Ashtanga yoga is a beautiful flowing practice that links each posture, or asana, with breath (vinyasa). Ashtanga means eight limbs.  The asanas, or [...]

The Ashtanga Yoga Finishing Sequence Postures2023-08-16T14:35:13+00:00

Tips for Adopting a Healthier Lifestyle After a Loss

Tips for Adopting a Healthier Lifestyle After a Loss Grieving is a process that’s different for everyone. Some people may find solace in talking about their loved one, while others may prefer to keep their thoughts to themselves. There is no right or wrong way to grieve. However, Olotita shares some tips to help yourself [...]

Tips for Adopting a Healthier Lifestyle After a Loss2022-12-14T14:56:19+00:00

How You Can Look and Feel Your Best – Even on Your Worst Days

From yoga sessions to essential oils and other products, Olotita is your online source for your self-care needs. Shop online today or contact us to find out more!  How You Can Look and Feel Your Best - Even on Your Worst Days It's not always easy to look and feel our best, try as we [...]

How You Can Look and Feel Your Best – Even on Your Worst Days2022-11-08T19:01:12+00:00


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