The Yoga of the Yogi – Book

The Yoga of the Yogi – Book


1 in stock

The Yoga of the Yogi is a tribute to one of the greatest yogis of the modern era: Tirumalai Krishnamacharya, known as a “master of masters.” In the early twentieth century, when India’s traditional teachings were in danger of being lost, Krishnamacharya revived the ancient practice of yoga for the modern world. He was a yogi par excellence, a dedicated healer, a ferocious debater, a master of Indian philosophy, and a talented poet and author. As a teacher, he was unsurpassed. The names of his most famous students — Indra Devi, Pattabhi Jois, BKS Iyengar, and TKV Desikachar — are today known all over the world. Yet the full promise of Krishnamacharya’s legacy, unfamiliar to many in the West, is still waiting to be explored.
In The Yoga of the Yogi, Krishnamcharya’s grandson, Kausthub Desikachar, provides unique insight int the life of Krishnamacharya. He shows us that yoga, As Krishnamacharya approached it, is much more than asana, or physical postures, and in fact offers a wide range of tolls for healing the entire human system in a compassionate and holistic way He explores Krishnamacharya’s emphatic belief that there is no “one size fits all” yoga, and how practices and and must be adapted to serve the changing needs of each individual student. And he included photographs and archival materials, many from the personal collections of Krishnamcharya’s family.
For anyone interested in the heart of yoga, this book will become an invaluable resource.

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The Yoga of the Yogi is a tribute to one of the greatest yogis of the modern era: Tirumalai Krishnamacharya, known as a “master of masters.” In the early twentieth century, when India’s traditional teachings were in danger of being lost, Krishnamacharya revived the ancient practice of yoga for the modern world. He was a yogi par excellence, a dedicated healer, a ferocious debater, a master of Indian philosophy, and a talented poet and author. As a teacher, he was unsurpassed. The names of his most famous students — Indra Devi, Pattabhi Jois, BKS Iyengar, and TKV Desikachar — are today known all over the world. Yet the full promise of Krishnamacharya’s legacy, unfamiliar to many in the West, is still waiting to be explored.
In The Yoga of the Yogi, Krishnamcharya’s grandson, Kausthub Desikachar, provides unique insight int the life of Krishnamacharya. He shows us that yoga, As Krishnamacharya approached it, is much more than asana, or physical postures, and in fact offers a wide range of tolls for healing the entire human system in a compassionate and holistic way He explores Krishnamacharya’s emphatic belief that there is no “one size fits all” yoga, and how practices and and must be adapted to serve the changing needs of each individual student. And he included photographs and archival materials, many from the personal collections of Krishnamcharya’s family.
For anyone interested in the heart of yoga, this book will become an invaluable resource.


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