
Yoga Asana Series Video #10: Guided Yoga Practice – Sun Salutations, Standing Postures, Bridges and Seated Hip Openers

Hey hey happy Tuesday! Our favorite day of the week here at Olotita!  This week on Olotita's Youtube channel, I'm really excited to bring you another guided yoga class/practice along video.  This 26 Minute Guided Yoga Practice includes 5 Sun Salutation A, 3 Sun Salutation B, Standing Postures we have learned in tutorial videos #1-9, Bridges [...]

Yoga Asana Series Video #10: Guided Yoga Practice – Sun Salutations, Standing Postures, Bridges and Seated Hip Openers2022-03-13T03:16:29+00:00

Utthita Trikonasana & Parivrtta Trikonasana I The Triangle Poses

Utthita Trikonasana translates to Extended Triangle Pose and Parivrtta Trikonasana, Revolved Triangle Pose.  These postures are the third and fourth poses of the Ashtanga Yoga Primary series.  They come after Padangusthasana and Pada Hastasana. The Triangles are excellent postures for both new and experienced yoga practitioners. The asana helps students build a combination of strength, [...]

Utthita Trikonasana & Parivrtta Trikonasana I The Triangle Poses2023-04-23T10:32:06+00:00

Free On Demand Yoga Class

This week on Olotita's Youtube channel, I'm really excited to bring you another Free, on demand Yoga class.  This week, Olotita brings you a twenty-five (25) minute guided class/practice video covering 5 Sun Salutation A, 3 Sun Salutation B and modified finishing sequence postures. If you would like to enjoy today's FREE Yoga Series Video to [...]

Free On Demand Yoga Class2023-04-20T13:07:47+00:00

Surya Namaskara B: Learn Sun Salutation B

Ashtanga Sun Salutation Basics With the Asthanga Yoga system, yoga poses or asanas are always practiced in the same order and every yoga practice begins with Sun Salutations. A practitioner will take Surya Namaskara A (Sun Salutation A) five times, followed by three to five Surya Namaskara B.  These two sequences make up the warm [...]

Surya Namaskara B: Learn Sun Salutation B2023-04-20T12:35:08+00:00

FREE 15 Minute On Demand Yoga Class If you are looking for a way to create and maintain a daily yoga practice, Olotita's Yoga Asana Series is here to help you do that with our new free on demand yoga class.  Be sure to review the previous two videos, #1 and #2 from the Yoga Asana Series on youtube.  Those [...]

FREE 15 Minute On Demand Yoga Class2023-04-19T13:36:35+00:00

Introduction to Ashtanga Yoga: Breath, Bandhas, Drishti & Sun Salutation A

Welcome to Olotita's Yoga Asana Series for building or maintaining an at home Ashtanga Yoga practice.  Today we explore the foundational principals of the Ashtanga Yoga system. The foundational components of Ashtanga Yoga include breathing, bandhas and drishti. Asht-anga means eight-limbs.  In this tradition we begin with the third limb, or asana.  This is the physical [...]

Introduction to Ashtanga Yoga: Breath, Bandhas, Drishti & Sun Salutation A2023-04-18T20:28:05+00:00


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