Yoga Workshops/Immersions

Ashtanga Yoga Workshop at The Yoga Shala: August 19, 2023

ASHTANGA YOGA WORKSHOP - AUGUST 19, 2023 Join Krista Shirley and The Yoga Shala on Saturday, August 19th for a day of workshops. Saturday  Mysore - 8:00 AM -10:00 AM ​A personalized form of learning and teaching the Ashtanga Yoga system. Instruction is customized to where the student is regarding factors such as physical health, [...]

Ashtanga Yoga Workshop at The Yoga Shala: August 19, 20232023-08-11T18:13:02+00:00

Advance Your Yoga Practice – and Knowledge – Through Yoga Workshops!

Yoga is easy to love. It’s a powerful, positive force for the mind, body and soul. Once started, it’s a hard habit to break (and why would you want to?). If you’re loving yoga, you probably crave knowledge on how to practice more, and better. Here’s a solution: Join a yoga workshop in Winter Park, [...]

Advance Your Yoga Practice – and Knowledge – Through Yoga Workshops!2023-03-15T17:33:30+00:00

Ashtanga Yoga Immersion at Woodley Park Yoga

Join Level 2 Authorized teacher, Krista Shirley, at Woodley Park Yoga, for an intensive immersion in Ashtanga Yoga. PROGRAM OVERVIEW The four (4) month practitioner Intensive program will cover the practical, theoretical, historical, and spiritual aspects of the science of yoga. This program will provide eager students with a thorough education, dedicated personal practice, heightened [...]

Ashtanga Yoga Immersion at Woodley Park Yoga2022-11-09T23:08:32+00:00


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