yoga workshop

Ashtanga Yoga Workshop at The Yoga Shala: August 19, 2023

ASHTANGA YOGA WORKSHOP - AUGUST 19, 2023 Join Krista Shirley and The Yoga Shala on Saturday, August 19th for a day of workshops. Saturday  Mysore - 8:00 AM -10:00 AM ​A personalized form of learning and teaching the Ashtanga Yoga system. Instruction is customized to where the student is regarding factors such as physical health, [...]

Ashtanga Yoga Workshop at The Yoga Shala: August 19, 20232023-08-11T18:13:02+00:00

Advance Your Yoga Practice – and Knowledge – Through Yoga Workshops!

Yoga is easy to love. It’s a powerful, positive force for the mind, body and soul. Once started, it’s a hard habit to break (and why would you want to?). If you’re loving yoga, you probably crave knowledge on how to practice more, and better. Here’s a solution: Join a yoga workshop in Winter Park, [...]

Advance Your Yoga Practice – and Knowledge – Through Yoga Workshops!2023-03-15T17:33:30+00:00

Yoga Workshops and Retreats

I have been teaching Yoga Workshops both nationally and internationally since 2011.  Of all the ways I am able to share yoga with the world, workshops are one of my absolute favorites because I gets to spend an immersive weekend with yoga students who are curious enough about deepening their yoga practice to carve out [...]

Yoga Workshops and Retreats2022-04-15T11:03:16+00:00


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