
Breaking Free from the Grind

Breaking Free From the Grind: Giving Women the Power to Improve Their Well-Being As women, juggling multiple roles and responsibilities can take a toll on our mental and physical well-being. The demands of work, family, and personal life can be overwhelming, leaving us feeling exhausted, stressed, and burnt out. However, there are ways to overcome [...]

Breaking Free from the Grind2023-05-07T16:04:01+00:00

Want At-Home Yoga? Try Virtual Yoga Classes

The Yoga Shala’s Virtual Yoga Classes Bring Yoga Instruction to You! You love yoga. Going to a yoga studio, though, isn’t in the cards. Maybe you have small children. Or little time. Perhaps you don’t want to drive. Or, maybe you just enjoy the peace and privacy of at-home yoga. No need to miss out [...]

Want At-Home Yoga? Try Virtual Yoga Classes2023-03-15T17:12:23+00:00

Knee High Christmas Socks

If you follow my youtube channel, or take classes with me, then you know how much I LOVE socks! I teach yoga all day so I'm nearly always barefoot.  And I don't allow shoes on in my house or at The Yoga Shala.  So I find myself in socks all day long.  Over the last [...]

Knee High Christmas Socks2022-12-22T23:48:17+00:00

Olotita – Wholeness

Prominent Orlando Yoga Instructor Overcomes Hardships, COVID-19 to Launch New Mind-Body Practice Krista Shirley returns with coaching, instruction focused on wholeness. CONTACT: Krista Shirley, (407) 506-4626 or [email protected] Orlando, Fla. – Even in the depths of her pain, with hope a far-off glimmer, Krista Shirley knew she’d one day return to teaching others about achieving [...]

Olotita – Wholeness2022-11-09T22:42:45+00:00

Yoga Asana Series – Video 20 – Guided Yoga Practice of the Ashtanga Yoga Standing Sequence

Welcome back to Olotita's Yoga Asana Series on Youtube! Today is Video #20 of our Yoga Series and today is our 6th guided yoga practice video in this Yoga Asana Series.  Most of the videos in this series are tutorials for you to deepen your understanding of the body mechanics of these postures, and offer [...]

Yoga Asana Series – Video 20 – Guided Yoga Practice of the Ashtanga Yoga Standing Sequence2022-05-25T16:24:49+00:00

Yoga Workshops and Retreats

I have been teaching Yoga Workshops both nationally and internationally since 2011.  Of all the ways I am able to share yoga with the world, workshops are one of my absolute favorites because I gets to spend an immersive weekend with yoga students who are curious enough about deepening their yoga practice to carve out [...]

Yoga Workshops and Retreats2022-04-15T11:03:16+00:00

Luxury Jasmine Facial Serum

Welcome back to Product Education Friday!  Today we finish our look at Nysa's line of incredible and all natural skincare products with our luxurious facial serum!     After I was satisfied with blend of ingredients I'd concocted to create Nysa's face-wash and toner, I started working on a serum.  Creating the perfect face serum [...]

Luxury Jasmine Facial Serum2022-03-24T22:34:50+00:00

Support your body with Vitamin C

Happy Self Care Saturday! Today I want to Focus on Vitamin C and it’s benefits!  Based on reports from hospitals in Japan, when a patient is diagnosed with cancer patients, they give them very high doses of Vitamin C to help their bodies lower their white blood count and combat cancer!  Life today forces all [...]

Support your body with Vitamin C2022-03-24T18:42:58+00:00

Sandalwood Refreshing Toner

Fridays have become a product education day at Olotita and today I want to tell you about the incredible sandalwood refreshing toner that I created in my kitchen in 2020 during Covid lockdown. I only use natural ingredients in products I put on my and my sons skin, and I played with countless different recipe [...]

Sandalwood Refreshing Toner2022-03-24T18:44:16+00:00

Two magical weeks in Turkey – October 1-15th, 2022

Turkey is a majestic country with a vibrant culture and incredible history. Civilizations and empires such as the Hitit, Phrygia, Persian, Greek, Roman, Selcuklu, Ottoman Empire and more occupied Turkey at different times in history and have left amazing archaeological evidence behind for seekers to explore. I promise this trip will be unlike any other [...]

Two magical weeks in Turkey – October 1-15th, 20222022-03-24T15:41:32+00:00


Vestibulum nec velit ante. Praesent dignissim interdum est, in lacinia elit pretium nec. Aliquam erat volutpat. Fusce laoreet mi leo. Vestibulum nec velit ante. Praesent dignissim interdum est, in lacinia elit pretium nec. Aliquam erat volutpat. Fusce laoreet mi leo.

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